A good marketer knows not to trust results blindly. There are two big things to be wary of: results that are too good to be true, and results that are too complex to be true. The best way to invalidate inflated results is qualitative data. Customer journeys are never the result of one sole touchpoint, but the end results are always the culmination of many touchpoints in a customer’s life. There are many things that can go wrong in the world of online marketing. One big thing to watch out for is data that seems too good to be true. The best way to combat the romanticized results is to use qualitative data. A customer journey can never be completed with one touchpoint, but it always involves the collaboration of many touchpoints before conversion. Ultimately, Criteo ecommerce display ads have flood the internet.
Criteo may be misleading, but you can fight back with insight. Odyssey helps marketers determine the true value of platforms like Criteo. The multi-touch attribution software provides insight into when customers are converting on other platforms before making their way to Criteo. Insight into platforms like Criteo will arm you with valuable information. Odyssey’s multi-touch attribution capabilities help marketers determine the true value of platforms like Criteo. Criteo’s misleading results are hard to decipher. The problem is that Google Analytics still uses last-click attribution, which ignores the importance of Criteo. Odyssey allows marketers to place Criteo within a long customer journey and provides a detailed report of each conversion so they can figure out how it happened. Google Analytics will not give you all the information you need to make Criteo’s misleading results right. Odyssey is the only platform that will help you understand where each conversion came from, past or present. It will detail the complete customer journey to ensure your ads are optimized for conversions.
https://odysseyattribution.co/connectivity/integrations/multi-touch-attribution-criteo-display-ads/ |