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How ANPR helps law enforcement be more innovative

Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) is a form of technology that automatically captures and reads vehicle license plates using optical character recognition and specialized cameras. When a license plate is analyzed, the characters are converted into text, the text gets saved in a database, and the algorithm compares the results with the vehicles of concern in the database. Thanks to the use of the ANPR system, license plates can be quickly and very accurately identified. This allows law enforcement agencies to effectively monitor and track vehicles.

How does this system work for law enforcement?

The primary element of an ANPR system is a camera. It is necessary for effective license plate data collection from passing vehicles. The camera for the device is strategically positioned on top of the police car to view the license plates. Once the camera is secure, the police vehicle will be parked in a place where other passing cars will pass it by. As cars pass, the camera will automatically take pictures of their license plates. The photographs will then be processed in a central database after that. Any pertinent information will be taken out from the images and saved. Although this information can be used immediately, it can also be saved for later use.

The many reasons for ANPR

Law enforcement agencies rely on this technology quite often. It has been proven to be a reliable and efficient tool for regular operations as a law enforcer. Here below are a few ways the Automatic Number Plate Recognition system is used by law enforcement to keep that air of innovation. 

  • Crime detection and preventive measures: By cross-referencing license plates with databases of sought vehicles, stolen or missing vehicles, and vehicles linked to suspects, law enforcement can use the ANPR system to identify any vehicles involved in criminal activity. It makes it possible for law enforcement to identify and address potential threats swiftly and efficiently.

  • Law enforcement in traffic: By automatically identifying vehicles with expired registrations, no insurance, or other offenses, ANPR makes it possible for law enforcement to enforce traffic restrictions. It helps with traffic flow management, toll road monitoring, and the detection of speeding vehicles.

  • Support for investigations: ANPR data is useful in investigations. It aids in determining the travel patterns of vehicles linked to criminal activities, the pursuit of suspects, and the establishment of relationships between vehicles and people. Identification of prospective witnesses or vehicles engaged in particular occurrences is aided by ANPR.